
Saturday 17 December 2016

How To Create Most Secure Password?

Tips for creating most secure password
The internet and electronic world might have its advantages and convenience, but it doesn’t mean there are no loopholes in it. Every day we come across so many different and varied instances of theft and hacking from the most basic of platforms to the most popular and biggest social networks or banking systems.

This hacking is something which is only controllable by three simple ways. The first is to ensure a low profile on the electronic mediums and the internet so you do not catch the eyes of the hackers and thieves.

The second way is to ensure that your security systems are fool proof and there is no way your account can be accessed very easily, this means also keeping limited access from across devices. Many people use lots of different public and private devices to access their password protected portals and thus are at the biggest risk of getting hacked.

The third and the final way is to ensure that you do not become a victim of any scam or spam going on across the internet. The hackers entice you in a variety of ways which are impossible for you to know, so experience and safe browsing is something that can really help you in this regard.

passwords are like pants - funny picture to keep strong passwords
One of the security elements of any system or account is your password. Since the internet has modernized and there are new kinds of programming methods installed onto the websites, you have the liberty to choose a varied form of passwords from face scans to eye scans, finger prints or symbols.

Similarly, many internet websites now also guide you with a password strength meter to show you how vulnerable or strong your password is. Keeping a secure password is very important and critical element of your security measures.

No matter how strong firewalls you install or how secured your bank is, if you are accessing it through your online account with a weak password, then there are high chances your account will be hacked for sure. Even the best security experts who wrote information security books get hacked due to easy passwords.

The best way to avoid all this is to keep it secured with a password which is not easy to trace or hack. Today’s guest post blog is going to talk about different ways and approaches that can help you keep a very strong password.

Using Long Length Passwords

How do you balance the necessity of a difficult password with the ability to recall it easily? Well, one of the approaches you can take is to use a long length password. The idea of long length password should be something that you can easily relate to, but it is difficult for others to judge.

This can be the most common thing yet difficult or the most difficult thing yet coming easy to you.In order to give it more strength, you can also utilize the idea of a wrong spelling, for example, a lot of people spell their own names with a different first letter in their password.

Now the password is very common of using their first name, but the trick is that it is spelt with a secondary letter only they know. So such variations obviously will help you make sure your passwords are well managed and secured. 

Long length password settings are one of the most traditional and common ways of setting a password. However, due to the restrictions of length, this approach might be going towards becoming obsolete now.

The Bruce Schneier’s Way

Like we said earlier, there can be varied approaches in setting up your password in a secure way. One of the approaches was suggested by a famous analyst and scientist Bruce Schneier. He recommended a way to set a password in 2008, which is still very useful and relevant. 

Bruce said one should utilize their favorite phrase, acronym, sentence or line as their password. This can be something which is extremely personal or close to you and only you can figure that out. Now it can be a quote from your religious scholar, a line that your better half used to propose you, or the first letter your baby said from her mouth. 

Setting passwords like these is a great way to not only keep something which can be very easily recalled, but also it can be a very tricky password for the hackers. As usually the hackers go for simple letters or words while hacking the accounts on any website or banking portal.

A Pass Phrase

Have you ever registered on a website or installed software which gives out an automatic initial first password? See the way that the password is constructed using a combination of random numbers, letters, symbols and variations in spellings, such passwords are called pass phrase passwords. 

These passwords again are very difficult to hack, but the only problem is their recall level is too low. This is why even when setting such passwords, the internet recommends you quickly change it. One way to combat that is to write that password down somewhere only you have access to and then keep it as it is. 

The idea of a pass phrase comes from automated mechanical password setting machines used in vaults and banks. It is a very common method of keeping secured and strong passwords in highly classified places. Due to its recall level, it is not usually and commonly used by an average internet user.

Use The Password Generator

If you think that setting a password is not something that is your forte, then you have an option to download the password generator and use the memory muscle approach. This approach requires a user to install password generator and then generate at least 10 random passwords from it. Copy those passwords down and see which one is difficult to enter, but easily recalled. 

The password generator tool is also a very famous approach used by many people who are into research and scientific development. They want to increase the capacity of their memory by remembering or memorizing random letters and this is a one good and secure way to do that as well as setting a strong password.

Do Not Re-use Passwords

Do not rely on using your old passwords, as part of your cache they can be easily breached. Always work towards keeping a new and fresh password everytime you think of changing it. Revising a password is not a good policy to have, unless the password you are using is a few years old, then it may be fine. 

Do Not Keep It Too Short

Additionally, people rely on keeping short words as passwords which again is not the right thing to do. Too short a password can be easily hacked. Your ideal password should be at least between 10 to 15 characters.

Do Not Use Your Public Information As Password

Do not use your birthday, recent event date, marriage date or your first and last name. All these contribute to your basic credentials which are posted online in the form of your profiles and social media data. This means that information is already available for a smart hacker. Always refrain from using such credentials as your password for anything. You should not also use your current city or location as your password.

Refrain From Using Basic Words

Basic English words or your favorite sports team are also an easy breach in terms of your passwords, do not use them unless you are going for a combination of different teams and words.

Security Questions

When it comes to setting security questions for your passwords, you can use the wrong answer or a jumbled up answer for a simple security question in order to further strengthen your password.

Two Factor Identification

You can also set a complicated two factor identification settings, which will further improve your password security. Most email providers and banks support two factor authentication. However its always a optional thing that needs to be enabled by users. Here are some popular sites that support two factor authentication

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